the dishwasher


Did you notice that everything is brighter?

music is more inspiring, it hits every fiber of your body


You can now digest every word without trying interrupt and craft a response



It now appears to be an amazing phenomenon

Nothing is rushed, nothing is waiting, you take notice of every detail



You have permission to release yourself from them 

And regret no longer exists in your world anymore

It no longer serves you



You see everything in real time, you’re in real time and you love it

Even the mundane, God it feels magical

There is intention everywhere, but you see it for the first time

Remember the first time you appreciated unloading the dishwasher?

It was simply because it was what you were doing at the time

You are finding ways to exist deeply in the space in—between 

To be here now, and no where else, it is an ancient art

A skill that is learned, not given 

What happened to us?

How did we forgot about now?

See what happens when you remember to appreciate breathing

When you slow yourself down

The amazing moments exist in-between past and future

They are what we have right now

They are not behind us, they are not in front us

We know we are guaranteed nothing, no matter how much we plan and pretend 

Nothing is promised except right now

But we are trying to live in the time and space that doesn’t even exist

 When we talk I tell you I want to hear your words and I want to know your heart

But why am I crafting my response to a question you haven’t answered yet?

I want to be here now, but have I ever been here? 

Am I finally be present for the first time?

All of this was here

All along 

But I was living in another space 

And now I’m seeing the present as the place that I can truly exist

And I am content, taking my time to appreciate unloading the dishwasher



